easter | e is for…


Given that Easter Sunday is commercially the day of chocolate eggs..you’d think that my ‘e’ was for eggs.

Yes, I had an Easter egg for breakfast (who wouldn’t?!) but what my ‘e’ actually stood for this Easter Sunday was exercise.

Something the ‘e’ in my vocabulary isn’t overly used to.

Chocolate for breakfast possibly wasn’t the most substantial or nutritious base to start my new exercise regime on, however given the circumstances, I let it slide.

Shearie and I attended the Boxfit class at the gym down the road from our homes. 45 minutes of circuit training, sweat, breathlessness, gruel’s and giggles. It’s always hard exercising, especially when its your first time in a while (/forever), but when you’re with your best friend it really does make it a lot more enjoyable.

The chocolate coma i went to sleep in last night combined with the post exercise pain I woke up up in today has set me up nicely to begin a new challenge – kinda like a post Easter lent I suppose?
I’m putting it out there (so I can’t back out) … for the next 30 days I will be going without;

~ chocolate
~ lollies
~ chips


Luckily I am the worlds biggest fan of vegetables, but it’s my addiction to the less than nutritious snacks listed above that are my downfall. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about losing weight – it’s about trying to be healthier (…am I getting old?). I’m hoping boxfit, dance, and pump, along with the giggles to be had with my gym buddy, will keep me motivated and on track – anyone who knows me will immediately identify that the above challenge will be no easy feat!

It’s out there now, I have to stick to it!

…here goes!


Sarah x


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